Twisted Ankle Trail Race
5K ,10 Mile & Half Marathon

The 5K, 10 mile course and half marathon will begin at the same time, with 5K runners hanging a right at the start, and 10 Milers/Half marathon runners going left. Explicit instructions will be given the day of the race! PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGN DIRECTIONS TO STAY ON YOUR COURSE! Volunteers will be placed at intersections to help guide you in the right direction.
5K Course:
Runners will head towards the Marble Mine Trail, to Marble
Mine then down towards the lake trail and on to the Primitive
Campsite Trail. All 5K runners will be following red course
Click here for a downloadable course map and elevation
10 Mile Course:
Runners will head towards the lower lake via the paved service
road (sorry, but it's not much!) through the new and improved Blueberry Trail (the 10Milers DO NOT run through the campground anymore!) and out towards Jenkins Gap Parking Lot
where you will turn left towards the upper lake. Runners will
make their way to the Marble Mine before the climb to Becky's
Bluff. At the top of Becky's Bluff runners will take a left back
towards the Marble Mine Trail and all the way down off the
ridge. Once down the ridge runners will take a right and head
towards the upper lake once again until the Pioneer Campsite
Trail taking a left, and once off the pretty single track through
the woods a right towards Jenkins Gap Parking Lot to retrace
your way back towards the campsites, through the Blueberry Trail and the lower lake.
10Mile runners will be following blue course markers.
Click here for a downloadable course map and elevation profile
Half Marathon Course
The 13.1(ish) course will follow the 10 mile course and return to the finish where you will be cheered on to head back into the woods to complete the 5K course. You will hit the same trails you ran earlier, so you will know what to expect. The 5K course is very runnable and will make an exciting and fast finish for your half marathon! Half Marathon runners will follow the blue course markers for the first loop, and the red course markers for the second loop.
If you need to drop a distance, you MUST do it prior to the race starting. You may NOT drop down a distance during the race. If you sign up for the half marathon distance and only complete the 10 Mile course, you will receive a DNF for the half marathon. Plus, we will do our best to talk you in to getting back out there and getting those last three miles anyway.
Aide Stations:
All races will see two aide stations with excited volunteers. 5K race will pass through two, and the 10 milers/Half runners will pass the two aide stations about every 2-3 miles. Water and Gatorade will be available, as well as trail snacks and high fives.
Packet Pick Up
Packet pick up will be available from 5:00pm-7:00pm at Shelter #4 (located near the office) on Friday, September 8th. Race day packet pick up will start at 7:30am through 8:30am at Shelter #3. Shelter #3 is located across the bridge from the Park Office. You can also get there by taking the first left as you enter the park. Stay to the left, and park where you can see the bridge at the lake.
Rules of the Race
Do NOT litter! There will be many aide stations with strategically placed trash cans. THIS IS NOT A ROAD RACE! Use the cans or carry your trash with you. If we catch you littering in the park we will take your picture and post it on social media to shame you!
Thank the volunteers!
Be courteous and helpful to your fellow racers. Never leave an injured runner until help arrives.